When a devastating earthquake and tsunami hit Japan’s Tohoku region on March 11, 2011 (known as “3-11”), JET alumni around the world rallied to help with relief and recovery efforts. JETAA USA established a national 3-11 Relief Fund that raised $75,000. JETAANC and JETAA chapters across the U.S. raised an additional $360,000 through a wide range of efforts. Alumni and JET participants also provided assistance “on the ground” in Tohoku by creating aid groups and assisting with recovery efforts. Explore the links below to learn more about the many ways that JET alumni and JET participants have provided assistance to Tohoku.
Japan Local Government Center reports (Japanese): http://bit.ly/KSroJW
Japan Local Government Center summary report (Japanese): http://bit.ly/JTonVL
CLAIR Forum newsletter (Japanese): http://www.clair.or.jp/j/forum/forum/pdf_273/08_sp01.pdf
Japan Local Government Center report – “JET Alumni Support for Japan after 3/11”: http://www.jlgc.org/TopicList.aspx?topicCategoryID=6&topicID=49&languageTypeID=1&controlType=Display
Japan Local Government Center report – “JETAA USA Support for Communities in Japan”: http://www.jlgc.org/TopicList.aspx?topicCategoryID=6&topicID=281&languageTypeID=1&controlType=Display
Interview with JET alum Steven Horowitz: “American JETs Rally for Japan in Myriad Ways”: http://amview.japan.usembassy.gov/wordpress/american-jets-rally-for-japan-in-myriad-ways/
JETAA USA Tohoku Recovery Fund page: http://www.jetaausa.com/tohoku-recovery/fund/
JETAA USA page: “JET Alums Return to Tohoku”: http://www.jetaausa.com/tohoku-recovery/jet-alums-return-to-tohoku/
JETAA Tohoku Relief Assistance (PowerPoint): http://bit.ly/V6zHZG
“The JET Program’s Finest Hour,” by David Jacobson: http://www.chinmusicpress.com/blog.php?action=display&entryID=13
Google Map of JET/JETAA relief efforts: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=207019334480062194385.0004aa3a8ce60f481cbf4&msa=0&ll=31.203405,-134.296875&spn=89.220128,173.144531
JETAA-USA Relief Fund (PowerPoint): http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jetaausa.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2FJETAA-USA-Earthquake-Fund.pptx&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGFPEL0MZm1Egdr6t4sFZOgX8Q1MQ
Pacific Bridge 3-11 Issue (Summer 2011): Pacific Bridge Summer 2011 – 3-11 issue
Pacific Bridge 3-11 articles (Fall 2011): Pacific Bridge Fall 2011 – articles related to 3-11
Pacific Bridge 3-11 articles (Winter 2011): Pacific Bridge Winter 2011 – articles related to 3-11
Pacific Bridge 3-11 Anniversary Issue (Spring 2012): Spring 2012 – 3/11 one year anniversary issue
TV interview with JET alumni Alan Mockridge and James Foley, who went to Japan on the Tohoku Homecoming Program: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmwOhZAPLmQ