Editor’s Note: JET alumni are currently involved in many of the Japanese sister city associations in our area. Why not join your fellow alumni and “give back” to Japan by participating in some grassroots exchange activities at your local sister city association? To learn more, please contact <president@jetaanc.org>.
We at the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco are proud to recognize substantial progress in further connecting the 60 Northern and Central California sister city organizations under our jurisdiction. Sister city relationships between American and Japanese cities provide unique opportunities for cultural exchanges between students and adults; they also foster life-long international friendships that are increasingly important for the success of our global society.
Recognizing these benefits, the Consulate has renewed efforts to strengthen ties between sister city groups over the past several months and is currently working hand-in-hand with them to help address their needs. Workshops held last March by the Consulate—which were the first of their kind—have allowed each sister city group’s members to meet and discuss common issues and solutions. As many of you may have seen, we have also started publishing a newsletter every two months that details past, present, and upcoming sister city events in our community. We hope that these will be valuable tools bring the individual organizations together and facilitate communication for continued growth.
In addition to these efforts, we also invite all JET alumni to become more involved in their local sister city organizations. These sister city relationships provide an excellent way to stay in touch with Japanese culture while giving back to the community. They also present the opportunity to engage American students interested in Japan and promote international understanding. The Consulate has heard that there is a growing need for more JET alumni to participate in sister city organizations, and we believe the drive and passion that first led you to be a JET could greatly benefit local sister city organizations and create future generations of JETs in your own community. For those interested, please contact your JETAANC President at <president@jetaanc.org>. Additional information can also be found on our homepage (http://www.sf.us.emb-japan.go.jp/e_top.htm). We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you at various sister city events coming this summer!
Kelley Cortright, Public Affairs Liaison Consulate General of Japan